My stars and garters, I love that sweater. Who would have thought, from that IK photo, that it looks so nice in real life?
No, I haven't read Shirley, I'm ashamed to say. Funny you should mention it - I just picked it up in a used bookstore, where I saw it for the first time EVER. Isn't that odd? I also grabbed Villette but haven't read that yet either.
PS: your word verification seems to know just how simple-minded I have been lately, and has kindly given me a nice short "rslgf" in huge clear letters. I could weep with joy - I have such trouble with those things usually.
I've always done a lot of sewing, and have become addicted to knitting after learning from my mother in law a couple of years ago. A confirmed homebody and chronic putterer, I also do lots of reading and writing in my spare time. During the day I teach eighth grade.
This looks great - love the blue trim.
Thanks for the comment on my Swan Lake! I love that cupcake in your other post, it's totally adorable.
My stars and garters, I love that sweater. Who would have thought, from that IK photo, that it looks so nice in real life?
No, I haven't read Shirley, I'm ashamed to say. Funny you should mention it - I just picked it up in a used bookstore, where I saw it for the first time EVER. Isn't that odd? I also grabbed Villette but haven't read that yet either.
PS: your word verification seems to know just how simple-minded I have been lately, and has kindly given me a nice short "rslgf" in huge clear letters. I could weep with joy - I have such trouble with those things usually.
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